
How To Keep Squirrels Away From Feeders

For over 50 years, squirrels have been a office our lives and been seen as cute creatures that have saved the world in the Rocky and Bullwinkle show to being friends with the loveable SpongeBob Squarepants. Yet, squirrels are not just a nuisance for those that like to feed birds in the lawn but they are carriers of deadly diseases like the Hantavirus and plague.

If you enjoy feeding birds but take problems keeping these pesky creatures away, hither are several tips for how to proceed squirrels away from bird feeders. Nosotros're also going to explore the best squirrel proof bird feeder and wait into squirrel proof bird feeder poles.

In this article, we're going to cover how to keep squirrels away from bird feeders.
  1. Keeping Squirrels Away from Your Bird Feeder
    • Use Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders
    • Add together Some Spice to Your Bird Food
    • Use a Motion Activated Sprinkler
    • Use a Bootleg Squirrel Repellent
    • Install a Baffle on Your Bird Feeder
    • Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Poles
    • Use Foods that Squirrels Dislike
    • Apply a Platform Feeder
    • Add Grease to Poles
    • Endeavor Using Decoys
    • Identify Cages around the Bird Feeder
    • Set up Traps
  2. Additional Squirrel Repellent Recipes

Keeping Squirrels Abroad from Your Bird Feeder

Unfortunately, the best birdseed, like black oil sunflower seeds, suet, and nuts, are loved by squirrels as they are the birds, like the English Sparrow, yous are trying to feed.

Want to know how to keep squirrels away from bird feeders? Keep reading to find out.

If yous have become frustrated with trying to keep squirrels from devouring the seeds you leave out for the birds, there are several ways to squirrel-proof your backyard bird feeder, from purchasing specialized feeders to quick and easy ways to deter the pesky rodents. Endeavour a combination of methods, like squirrel repellent plants and a movement-activated sprinkler for even meliorate results.

Apply Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

To proceed your bird seed from existence feasted on past squirrels, the best deterrent is using a squirrel proof bird feeder. At that place are several unlike types you tin can purchase, from weight activated, to cage covered.

Like with any product, some will concluding longer than others and accept better features. It is necessary for yous to do your due diligence to decide which feeder will work best for y'all.

All-time Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

Hither are some of the best bird feeders to purchase to go on squirrels from feasting on your backyard bird'south food. Each of these bird feeders denies squirrels access to the bird food by shutting down the seed ports and so these pesky creatures tin can no longer admission the treats within.

  • Brome 1057 Squirrel Buster Feeder
  • Audubon Mini Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

Add Some Spice to Your Bird Food

Adding hot spices, similar cayenne pepper, to the bird food has been shown to deter squirrels. The keen thing near this method is it doesn't harm the birds in any way because they are immune to the effects of the gustation of the spice.

Because birds don't have the receptors to taste the capsaicin, which is the compound that puts the heat in the peppers, they don't take bug when they consume it.

Use a Motion Activated Sprinkler

Probably the all-time fashion to repel squirrels from your feeders, and your yard, in general, is with h2o. You lot can use a water hose or a sprinkler.

Using a move-activated sprinkler that deters not only squirrels, but some other animals similar deer, raccoons, skunks, geese, and other small animals works very well. The water as well serves as a great rabbit repellent.

The sprinkler works past using a movement sensor to detect animals, instantly spraying the animals with h2o when movement is detected.

Use a Homemade Squirrel Repellent

At that place are several unlike squirrel repellents that you can make at home that volition help keep squirrels away from your bird feeder and any other area where they have become a nuisance, similar your flower garden or patio.


Homemade Moisture Squirrel Repellent Recipe

  • ane ½ quarts h2o
  • ane teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • ii onions, chopped
  • 1 jalapeno chopped


Fill up a pot with the water, onions, jalapeno, and cayenne pepper and bring to a boil over high heat. Boil for thirty minutes and remove from heat. Let the mixture cool. Using a strainer, strain the vegetables out of the liquid and cascade the liquid into a spray bottle.

Using the spray bottle, spray the pepper spray everywhere where y'all want to keep squirrels from getting into, like your screened-in porch, blossom beds, and bird feeder. Run across below for directions to make an effective dry out squirrel repellent.

Install a Baffle on Your Bird Feeder

To help your efforts in preventing squirrels from getting into your bird feeder, yous can squirrel proof bird feeder pole by installing a baffle to the top of the feeder if information technology is hanging from a wire or concatenation, or at the bottom of the feeder if you mount it on a post.

Y'all typically brand baffles out of a plastic bowl or polished metal, and y'all can purchase them from any domicile improvement shop or an online retailer similar Amazon. You lot can also make your bamboozle by following the steps beneath.


Homemade Bird Feeder Bamboozle

  • Stovepipe measuring 6-inches in diameter and 24-inches long
  • Stovepipe end cap that fits the stovepipe
  • Sheet metal screws no more than a ½-inch long
  • Hose clamp


Firmly clamp the end cap with a vise or pliers. Using a hole saw or drill bit, drill a hole into the center of the end cap. Fasten the stove pipage together and place it inside the cease cap.

Carefully lay the stovepipe on its side. Using a drill, create pilot holes through the sides of the cease cap. Make certain they pierce both the end cap and the stovepipe.

Screw in canvas metal screws. Slip the bird feeder pole through the hole you lot made in the end cap. Mark the feeder pole at the top of the baffle.

The mark should be nearly four to five feet off the ground. Remove the bamboozle. Attach the hose clamp to the pole at your mark. Slide the baffle dorsum over the pole, and so it is resting on the hose clamp.

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Poles

A fantastic mode to keep squirrels from getting into your bird feeder is finding the right identify to hang information technology. Because squirrels can cross great distances by but jumping, you lot want to make certain that y'all place your bird feeder away from trees, walls, and anything else they tin can climb.

On average, the standard gray squirrel can jump att to the lowest degree 4 feet directly upwardly into the air and eight to 10 feet sideways. When placing your bird feeder, make sure it is situated at least v feet from the ground and at least twelve anxiety from whatsoever structure, to help go along them out of your bird feeder.

You may also desire to consider purchasing a squirrel stopper pole, a specialized bird feeder pole that is squirrel proof, and strategically placing it in your yard.


Food Squirrels Dislike

  • Millet
  • Nyjer seed
  • Canary seed
  • Safflower
  • Canola seed


Apply Foods that Squirrels Dislike

Squirrel proof bird feeder poles are one way of making sure your food is going to birds and not squirrels.

When filling your bird feeder, try and stay away from the kinds of foods that squirrels savor eating like, blackness oil sunflower seeds, suet, and nut. Instead, fill the feeder with foods that squirrels dislike.

These are the types of foods that squirrels will typically avoid eating, making them excellent options for filling your bird feeder and keeping the squirrels from using information technology every bit their cafe.

Apply a Platform Feeder

If yous desire to keep squirrels and other animals out of your bird feeder, you may desire to consider using a platform feeder.

Not but do they go on squirrels from getting to the bird seed, but they allow y'all to place table scraps, like bread and vegetable trimmings, on the platform for birds to eat.

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Add Grease to Poles

If your bird feeder hangs from a tall metal pole in your yard, yous can use grease to keep them from getting into the feeder and driving the birds abroad. Using a cooking oil like Crisco, coat the entire pole to aid keep squirrels from climbing the pole.

The grease makes it difficult for the squirrels to climb the pole and they volition decide getting to the bird seed isn't worth trying the attempt.

Try Using Decoys

You tin endeavour distracting the squirrels by placing a decoy in your k. Take a squirrel feeder and put some corn or other food that squirrels like into the feeder to keep them occupied and away from the bird food. Hanging some suet in a minor wire cage in the tree can also deter squirrels.

Place Cages around the Bird Feeder


You can go on squirrels out of your bird feeder by placing a wire cage around the feeder. Every bit y'all can see in the picture next, cage covered bird feeders do non always provide sufficient protection.

Brand sure that the openings in the cage are small plenty that the squirrels can't get through just big plenty to permit birds entry.

Set Traps

If you become desperate, you can likewise place traps effectually the bird feeder to capture the nuisances so you can relocate them. Contact your local wildlife control office to find out the best way to set traps to catch the squirrels humanely.

Traps are also ideal to get rid of squirrels in the cranium if they manage to find a way in.

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Additional Squirrel Repellent Recipes

Here are some more useful recipes you lot can make at home that will assist go on pesky squirrels from invading your grand and devouring your bird seed.


Dry Squirrel Repellent Recipe

  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
  • ane tablespoon crushed crimson pepper flakes


Mix the ingredients and sprinkle in areas you want to deter squirrels.


Bootleg Squirrel Repellent Spray

  • ane onion
  • 1 gallon of warm water
  • ane teaspoon liquid dish lather
  • 1 tablespoon Tabasco or other hot sauce


Dice the onion and put it in a medium saucepan with a cup of h2o. Bring the contents to a eddy and cook over medium-high heat for ten minutes. Strain the ingredients, discarding the onion.

Pour the water into a bucket and add together another gallon of water. Add together the liquid dish lather and Tabasco sauce. Mix thoroughly.

Pour into a large spray bottle. Spray the mixture wherever squirrels take become a problem. This may likewise exist an effective bird repellent spray. Give it a try to see if information technology works!

Once you find the best squirrel proof bird feeder, sit back and watch birds enjoy their food.

In their efforts to get to the bird seed, squirrels will claw and chew their way through anything, oftentimes dissentious everything in their path.

We've provided you with numerous ways to go along squirrels away from the bird feeder along with some excellent squirrel repellent recipes that you can brand at home.

These simple solutions for keeping squirrels away from your bird feeder will allow y'all to enjoy feeding the birds without the nuisance of these pesky rodents.

How to keep squirrels away from bird feeders - including recipes for DIY squirrel repellent spray. Covers DIY bird feeders and multiple alternative ways to repel squirrels from your hanging or pole bird feeder.

In this article, we went over how to keep squirrels away from bird feeders. Nosotros've explored the best squirrel proof bird feeder and looked into squirrel proof bird feeder poles. We hope you plant some useful data in this article, and as always if you lot know someone who can do good from these tips, please feel free to share.


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