Have you ever reached into a container of leftover muffins, eager for the fluffy bites of breakfast joy that await, only to discover that the outside of the muffins have go unpleasantly soggy? It'due south a deplorable moment that, while it cannot be reversed, can be avoided with one simple trick. Here's How to Store Muffins to prolong their shelf life and go along them fresh.

One simple trick will keep your homemade muffins fresh for longer. Here's how to store them (and keep them from getting soggy!) @wellplated

Before we delve in, allow's get-go address the outcome at mitt: Why do leftover muffins get soggy?

It is an odd phenomenon. Intuitively, you would think that, every bit muffins stale, the outsides would become dry. In reality, this just isn't how muffin science (a delicious field I aspire to master) operates.

As muffins age, their wet migrates to the surface. That moisture will endeavour to evaporate and, if the muffins are wrapped in plastic or stored in an empty airtight bag or container, that moisture sinks correct dorsum onto the muffins' surface. Unfortunately, there is no manner to prevent this (aside from loading the muffins with preservatives), but nosotros tin delay the inevitable with a handy trivial tool I'm betting yous accept lurking in your kitchen correct now.

Paper towels.

Permit's exercise this.

The All-time Way to Shop Muffins

Pace ONE: Let the muffins absurd completely on a wire rack.

How to store muffins to keep them from getting soggy. @wellplated

Storing the muffins when they are even a lilliputian chip warm volition issue in even more condensation, as the muffins will however exist letting off rut. Let them cool for no more five-to-10 minutes in the pan, then transfer them to a wire rack to finish cooling completely.

Stride Ii: Line an airtight storage container with paper towels.

How to store muffins. This one simple trick will keep them from getting soggy! @wellplated

The paper towels will act like a "sponge," arresting the moisture the muffins emit equally they age. Instead of sinking back into the muffin's surface and making them soggy, the moisture volition exist absorbed by the paper towels. I like to utilise one big paper towel, folded in one-half to fit the container.

Alternatively, you can employ a large ziptop bag, turned on its side and then that it lays flat—just exist sure you lot store the muffins in a single layer but (practise not stack).

STEP THREE: Place muffins in the container, on superlative of the paper towels.

How to Store Muffins. The simple trick that keeps them fresh for longer. @wellplated

Or on the lesser of the ziptop bag, still atop the paper towels.

STEP Four: Place an additional paper towel layer on top of the muffins.

How to store muffins. One simple trick to keep them fresh! @wellplated

This is essential. Yous want to exist sure to absorb moisture from all sides. Again, I use a large newspaper towel, folded in half.

Pace Five: Cover and store AT ROOM TEMPERATURE.

How to store muffins so that they stay fresh and don't become soggy. @wellplated

Refrigerating the muffins will alter their flavour and texture. Room temperature is the way to become from maximum freshness.

STEP SIX: Enjoy!

This one trick will keep your muffins fresh for longer. No more soggy muffins! Here's how to store them the right way. @wellplated

The muffins will last two-to-four days stored this way (without this method, you'll notice the "soggy" cistron taking hold in fewer than 24 hours). If the paper towels become very damp, I recommend replacing them on Day ii or Twenty-four hours three.

For Storage Longer Than Iv Days

  • To Freeze. I recommend freezing muffins that yous'd like to keep across four days. Individually wrap them in plastic, and then identify them in a ziptop bag and freeze for upward to 2 months.
  • To Reheat. Allow thaw at room temperature or rewarm gently in the microwave.

My Favorite Muffin Recipes

I have DOZENS of Good for you Muffin Recipes for you lot to choose from, but here are a few ideas:

  • Chocolate Muffins
  • Raspberry Muffins
  • Salubrious Banana Muffins
  • Healthy Maple Oatmeal Muffins <– the i'southward photographed in this post.

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Hi, I'm Erin Clarke, and I'chiliad fearlessly dedicated to making salubrious food that's affordable, easy-to-make, and all-time of all DELISH. I'm the writer and recipe developer here at wellplated.com and of The Well Plated Cookbook. I adore both sweets and veggies, and I am on a mission to save you fourth dimension and dishes. WELCOME!

Learn more nigh Erin